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Convert XML to CSV (Manual)
CPI provides XML to CSV Converter which is documented here.
If you need to process XML, pick fields, do some further processing in a single step you can use this script. It doesn't escape ",
" be careful if your input can contain comma, and in general this is an error-prone way to generate CSV.
You should also check Convert XML to CSV (Apache Commons CSV)
This example also contains a class with main method. It is an idea to enable running the script on your computer with regular IDEs.
Try it on
import groovy.xml.*;
def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody(java.lang.String) as String;
def ag = new xml2csv()
return message
class xml2csv {
def execute(ins) {
//define writer
def writer = new StringWriter()
//parse input
def parsedXml = new XmlParser().parseText(ins)
def content = new XmlSlurper().parseText(ins)
def header = content.Headers.children().collect().join(',')
def csv = content.Items.inject(header){ result, row ->
[result, row.children().collect().join(',')].join("\n")
println csv.toString()
return csv.toString()
static main(args) {
def ag = new xml2csv()
def writer = new FileWriter("test/case1/output.csv")
writer.write(ag.execute(new File("test/case1/input.xml").text))
Expected Result Body
Marley,Paige,Senior Robot,1999-06-07Z
Gabe,Meyer,Senior Robot,1982-06-07Z